Sarah Palin has had "executive experience," sure. Governing a state! That sounds so impressive! I thought there was no way to refute the claim of her executive experience, but I was wrong. The entire State of Alaska has a smaller population that Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
The illustrious Governor has shown mind-bogglingly poor judgment in both her private and public lives. Bullet point time!
- Troopergate! It gets better--the replacement for the wrongfully terminated State Trooper had numerous sexual harassment charges against him, and Palin was aware of this.
- Odd and Dangerous Decisions during her pregnancy with Trig...and some internet cover up? (I am not bothered by the McCain campaign's timing of the story--at least they're getting some of their common sense back)
- So conservative she sued the Bush administration over--wait for it--putting polar bears on the endangered species list. Everyone loves polar bears. Except Sarah Palin.
- Even EPIC Conservative George Will hates her.
- Doesn't believe in Global Warming.
- Palin on Abortion: "I'd oppose even if my daughter was raped." Her daughter was 14 at the time, and Alaska's rape rate was distressingly well over the national average.