Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Politics Depresses Me So Much Lately That It's Hard to Blog

But I will resume. Only something as shocking to my intellect as Sarah Palin, Veep could rouse me from my crushing why-doesn't-Obama-have-a-landslide depression.

Sarah Palin has had "executive experience," sure. Governing a state! That sounds so impressive! I thought there was no way to refute the claim of her executive experience, but I was wrong. The entire State of Alaska has a smaller population that Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.

The illustrious Governor has shown mind-bogglingly poor judgment in both her private and public lives. Bullet point time!
I can't even begin. All I can get out is...Really? Like, really??
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1 comment:

Jessica said...

Also infuriating is this article from the Associated Press:

Apparently, while Palin was mayor of Wasilla (hello, crystal meth capital of Alaska), the police department charged rape and sexual assault victims for rape kits. When a bill passed the state legislature outlawing this practice, the police department said that they were concerned that the bill would force the city to come up with the funds for the kits.

I cannot coherently express how much I hate Sarah Palin. I am seriously hoping that EMILY's List kicks the shit out of her.