Thursday, April 24, 2008

Nora Ephron Is Bad Writer, Complete Moron; Pennsylvania Voters Are Powerless To Demographic Trends

Nora Ephron has taken a moment out of her busy, busy day to give voters in Pennsylvania a thorough, yet amateur psychoanalyzing. Totally free of charge! Except, I guess, for however much the thousand or so brains cells I lost reading her idiotic drivel were worth. She also comes to the stunningly brilliant conclusion that it was slightly less obvious that the nominee was going to be either a woman or a black man when Woman and Black Man weren't the only options. [HuffPo]

Since, you know, if you're a woman or black, you don't get a choice when it comes to who you vote for, Nora Ephron has concluded that the only people who mattered in the Pennsylvania primary are white men. And they're all either racist, misogynistic, or both (read: Republican, if your English-Ephron dictionary is turned off).

That's right. Look around you. If there's a white male within eyesight, he definitely either hates black people or women. If you're either one of those, I guess you should just hope that he hates the other one. Although, if you're voting for Barack Obama, Nora Ephron would probably also conclude that you don't have to worry in this situation because voting for Barack Obama also means you run fast and can probably jump really high.
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Aaron said...

For me personally, it's women.

flutiexc said...

I'm a woman, so, do the math.

Merry said...

Of course only white men matter in the Presidential race. They are the only people who matter, period. All those amendments enfranchising other groups are just for make-believe.

Also, white men are the only ones with objectivity in this race, of course. The others are blinded by their identity politics and don't give a shit about issues.

Thanks, Nora Ephron, for perpetuating the white-men-as-the-"unmarked"-the "norm"standard.

Certainly the white female writers of this blog are unable to reach the rationality required to vote for someone other than their demographic representative.

Also, can we start to acknowledge that, when it comes to candidates in demographic groups, there are THREE: black man, white woman, and white man. Not Black Man, White Woman, and Human Being.